Friday 16 August 2013

We are safe as houses

Another day was spent hanging out at the hotel. Haven't mentioned this in any of my earlier blogs but this is a five star hotel. Didn't quite make it to the gym yesterday but I think we will be heading there today as we have eaten so much while we've been here.
Unfortunately when I opened my emails this morning the MFAT Consular had emailed about our wellbeing. The media had contacted them about us being "trapped in our hotel room". God knows where they got that from. Hopefully they don't have access to this blog which is only supposed to be for my friends and family.
Anyway enough about that. Congratulations Jason and Richmond Prems on beating Otara earlier today NZ time. We are so proud of you! Looking forward to watching the game online later today.
Another 35 degrees and blue skies for us today :-)

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