Tuesday 27 August 2013

Photos of Our Place

Most of these photos are already on my FB page so these are for those of you who haven't seen them yet. Only the lounge & dining area to give a good clean tomorrow then we start again as he dust is neverending. It's amazing the number of large empty areas throughout the city. There are huge numbers of buildings that all look the same and most look unfinished and are unoccupied. The front of our building doesn't normally look as good as it does in the photo. There is normally rubbish left behind and that day must have been street sweeping day. We are learning to ignore it but still feel guilty about not picking it up.
Every day there is a boy, about 13 yrs, who pulls a hand trolley along the road and collects rubbish from inside the buildings. Downstairs is a tyre shop and there are boys (about 10 - 11yrs) working in there and fixing tyres on the side of the street. Yesterday when we were at a local shop there were 3 and 5 yr old kids trying to sell us tissues. Their mother was standing nearby encouraging them. It makes you appreciate the lifestyle kiwi kids have. I'm not sure if these kids actually go to school. I hope they are still on holiday like me and will go to school in the next week or so.
The apricot lounge is the same colour as the spare room at Seaview when we first moved in.

The green lounge. Spot the "Gladstone" postage stamp on the wall.
The dining area is right by the front door. Great place for an office.

The kitchen is big enough for the 2 of us (just).

Gas stove needs matches to start it. Scary oven!

Our bedroom now with only the one bed

The Lockie Suite with a double bed, previously from our room.

Bathroom & Laundry
View from the apricot lounge towards the dining area, kitchen, bathroom & bedrooms.
View from our lounge window down to the street.
The back of the building. Note the trees on the left.

 View still behind our building. Note the trees are now on the right and yes that is rubbish.

Iti's view of the wasteland. That's the rubbish from the last photo on the right.

Cairo was built on a desert and this is still more of the view from behind our building.


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to getting acquainted with 'The Lockie Suite'. Looks to be slightly more spacious than our love shack, however, I'm not knocking the tent, it's coped well under adverse weather conditions.
