Saturday 26 October 2013 script for the Nile Photos

If the Nile is the life blood of Egypt it needs a transfusion.
I am saddened by the way it is abused on a daily basis by the very people who hold it in such high esteem. The rubbish that floats alongside people washing clothes and dishes leeches toxins into the very water they are using to clean with. Not dissimilar to Samoa in some ways. If only they would bury it rather than dump the rubbish into the river.
I  took the photos while our staff were on a cruise from the Corniche to Maadi and back again, about 4 hours. The contrast between those that have (windsurfers, speedboat, yacht and tour boat passengers, including ourselves) and those that don't is incredible. Daily life along the Nile is simple even in Cairo, the city of 19 - 20 million people. Seeing people going about their daily chores makes you appreciate the life you have. Even if it is stressful at times it can never be as hard as the one some of these people have. We've been told not to swim or drink from the Nile yet we see the locals swim and wash their dishes in it out of necessity.
Imagine if the Waikato or even the Waitemata became so polluted that we were told not to swim in it.

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